Hall Gardner is Professor and former Chair (1993-2019), Department of History and Politics, American University of Paris. He is the editor of Geopolitical Turmoil in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean (Springer/Palgrave, 2023) and author of Toward an Alternative Transatlantic Strategy : Biden, the EU and the ‘new’ Multilateralism ; Vers une Stratégie Transatlantique Alternative – Biden, l’UE et le nouveau multilatéralisme, Éditions Ginkgo, april 2022 (in French and English same book); IR Theory, Historical Analogy and Major Power War (Palgrave, 2019); World War Trump: The Risks of America’s New Nationalism (Prometheus Books, March 2018); Crimea, Global Rivalry, and the Vengeance of History (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015); The Failure to Prevent World War I (Ashgate, 2015); NATO Expansion and the US Strategy in Asia (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013); The Ashgate Research Companion to War: Origins and Prevention, primary editor with Oleg Kobtzeff (Ashgate: February 2012); Averting Global War: Regional Challenges, Overextension, and Options for American Strategy (New York: Palgrave, 2007; paperback version April 2010); American Global Strategy and the War on Terrorism (Ashgate, 2005; revised and updated, 2007), plus a novel, Year of the Earth Serpent Changing Colors (Ibidem-Verlag, 2023). His other books and articles can be found on his website: www.hallgardner.com.