Jaideep Saikia discusses insurgency and terrorism in North-East of India with active cross-border linkages with China, Myanmar, and Bangladesh.

Jaideep Saikia is a Terrorism and Conflict Analyst and a Fellow, Irregular Warfare Initiative Fellow, West Point USA. He is also the author of several books on security and strategy and has served the Governments of India and Assam in security advisory capacities including in the National Security Council Secretariat of India as an Expert on North East India. He was a member of the Indian delegation for the “Track II Dialogue” with Bangladesh, China, and Myanmar. Jaideep Saikia’s domain expertise includes a) Insurgency in the North-East b) Islamist Terrorism c) Bangladesh d) India-China Boundary [Eastern Sector] e) Counter Radicalisation f) “India’s National Security Doctrine” and g) Peace-Building with Belligerent Groups.