Presentations & Short Papers

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Recent Presentations

Dr. Daisy Muibu on Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Somalia

Dr. Daisy Muibu on Terrorism and Counterterrorism in Somalia

Dr. Daisy Muibu is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Her research is focused on policing and counterinsurgency from a variety of perspectives that include: police legitimacy and local law enforcement responses to terrorism; citizens perceptions towards formal, private and informal policing and paramilitary forces; and the role of foreign fighters within insurgent groups.

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David Otto

David Otto

He was the lead consultant for counterterrorism program design for Global Risk International UK Ltd. He has researched Africa terror networks for the past 15 years and developed an enormous network on the continent. He is a Certified Master Anti-Terrorism Specialist and Certified Financial Crime Examiner for the Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board. He also is a Visiting Professor at East China University of Political Science and Law Institute of Strategic Studies.

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Dr. Daveed Gartenstein–Ross

Dr. Daveed Gartenstein–Ross

Dr. Daveed Gartenstein–Ross is a scholar, practitioner, author of more than 25 books and monographs, and entrepreneur who is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Valens Global. The International Herald Tribune has described him as “a rising star in the...

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Dr. Anne Speckhard

Dr. Anne Speckhard

Dr. Anne Speckhard is Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism and serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University’s School of Medicine. She has interviewed more than 700 terrorists, their family members,...

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Recent Short Papers