The Global Terrorism Trends and Analysis Center (GTTAC) database is a collection of open-source unclassified information on domestic and international terrorism incidents.
The GTTAC Data Portal
Download and explore the official GTTAC dataset, codebook, and terms of use.
Terrorism Trends and Analysis
Our analysis of global terrorism relies uniquely on data from open-source intelligence. Important global issues always have an impact on the availability of quality open-source material; COVID-19 and political changes in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burma, and Mali and the war in Ukraine are examples. In 2022 there were 7,342 terrorist incidents — a 12 percent reduction from 2021. Most of the reduction can be explained by the absence of reliable open-source reporting in Afghanistan. In 2022, terrorist incidents occurred in 73 countries. Of these, 84.9 percent were concentrated in three geographic regions: Western Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southern Asia… [Read More]
GTTAC Data Sources, References & Notes
DSG created the GTTAC database that the Annex uses to summarize global terrorism incidents. GTTAC accesses five of the most comprehensive, open-source, multimedia data aggregators to identify reports of potential terrorist incidents. Data acquisition begins with using open-source technology tools developed in Python atop a Linux platform for text analysis, predictive modeling, and feature extraction. GTTAC applies ontologies for terrorist incidents, perpetrators, tactics for attack, weapon use, and the targeting of victims and facilities. Once the automated processes have established a body of data for human review and validation, the database of global terrorism incidents begins to take form within regional and other geographic locales.